Roaring Brook has bought world English rights in a two-book, six-figure preempt to Where There Be Monsters

Kate Meltzer at Roaring Brook has bought world English rights in a two-book, six-figure preempt to Where There Be Monsters, first in the Outersphere series, a middle-grade fantasy by debut author Alby C. Williams. The story follows 12-year-old Glory Brown, whose family inn offers a safe haven to scientific travelers in a monster filled-universe. But when Glory sets out on her own adventure to help a friend deliver a mysterious, magical package, she discovers something is dangerously amiss in the Outersphere—and it’s up to her to figure out how to fix it. Publication is set for winter 2025; Jordan Hill and Joanna Volpe at New Leaf Literary & Media did the deal on behalf of Cake Creative.